Something tells me this Juba Peace talks is about something else other than peace. Why are the Uganda and Southern Sudan government intent on LRA assembling in two locations and signing of the documents in a great hurry?
Why would anybody even consider that the peace talks proceed with ICC threat unresolved? Museveni, has to provide conditions to keep the ICC away from Kony and his commanders, otherwise there will be no peace involving those five men. These two issues are mutually exclusive. Without these men, there must be modified peace talks, becasue the people of Uganda in the affected areas still need peace from the government of Museveni.
Twenty years of oppression and mistrust cannot be wiped out by mere signing of documents in Juba.
There are specific conditions that are indicative of hidden traps and tricks. Would Garang have agreed to assemble the SPLA in a location that can easily be ambushed by Sudan government? If not, why would they include this condition for the LRA without safeguard?
If Riek Machar is impartial, why is he treating the LRA as if they have no rights and obligations?
If Museveni really wants peace, why is he constantly threatening the LRA with force if they did not assemble at the two locations, or sign peace by some given dates?
What does the army commander General Aronda mean when he says that it is Âfree for allÂ?
Failure of a comprehensive peace agreement should be put on the government of Uganda and Sudan for maintaining a stance that creates fear and distrust to the LRA.
Museveni has in the past lured rebels out of the bush with false promises of peace only to turn around and liquidate them one by one.
If these people are really in a hurry for peace to return to the country, then they should remove threats and relocate UPDF south of Karuma. The LRA then can be in charge of peace development and security in the north. That should be coupled with messages that promote trust and confidence in both sides. Right now, what is happening is that some UPDF commanders begin to talk provocatively the moment there are positive moves towards peaceful resolution. This is because they will lose some of the benefits from operations against the rebels.
So, the best thing that the government of Southern Sudan can do is have patience and facilitate peace talk to all available extent. Assembling in specific locations seems to be the least to worry about if the two sides are ready for peace. So far the LRA have indicated maturity and seriousness by controlling its fighters, while losing some to Uganda government forces, although they are not confined in any specific locations. After exhaustive searches for solutions, the proponents may then say, " We have done our best."
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Dear Ngomrom,
Hello! My name is Josh. I just started writing the Uganda Roundup for Global Voices Online (GVO). The idea behind GVO is to get the word out about stories from parts of the world that don't traditionally get alot of space in mainstream media. GVO is written by bloggers from around the world; it's a pretty spectacular award winning site. It also happens to be one of the top 150 blogs in the world in terms of number of hits, so if your work gets posted there, alot of people are going to read what you have to say.
GVO has never had a Uganda roundup until now, so its a cool oppurtunity to give more exposure for the growing, but still small, Ugandan blogosphere. I like covering posts that shed light on life in Uganda. I try to find a balance in my GVO posts amongst book reviews, quirky stories about your morning matatu ride, and news analysis and opinion. I'd personally like to see more news related posts, but I think this will develop in time. The rule is: Do ur thang. The only criterium I have are (i) snappy writing and (ii) content that the global public might find interesting.
Also, I think a Happy Hour is in order, and I think Ernest Bazanye should give some remarks because he is endlessly full of mirth hilarious self deprecation. I'll be out of the country for a few weeks, but stay tuned for a Ugandan Blogosphere Happy Hour in late November.
Finally, check out this list of Ugandan blogs that I think reach the above criteria. Make a comment if I've missed any.
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